Construction is well underway on the 98-foot-long vessel, which will feature 5,059 square feet of photovoltaic cells. The project is being funded by Rivendell Holding AG, a Swiss firm that invests in renewable energy, simply to prove it can be done and the shipping industry can reduce its dependence on fossil fuel.
Chinease Version-
有一群聚集在德國基爾的工程師、科學家及船員,目前正埋首於建造一艘長 98 英呎,寬 50 英呎,只靠取之不盡用之不竭的太陽能來發電航行的太陽能發電船。這艘造價高達 1,300 萬美金的太陽能發電船,甲板上裝有總面積為 5059 平方英呎的光電板,用來提供整艘船隻所需的電力。最高航行速度為 10 節,環遊世界一周預估需要花費 120 天的時間。
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Via -Engadget(中文版)
Via -WIRED website (English version)