Original Soundtrack comes from the france movie Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (艾蜜莉的異想世界) ---- Comptine d'un autre ete
It's really easy to stir someone's emotion!
Approaching the Groupama III
很難得的機會能登上真正的Trimaran,而且還曾是2007-08破航海紀錄最多的"Groupama III"總長(LOA) 105呎的巨型競賽艇,桅杆高度(12M), 船體碳纖維打造,所有設計的終點目標就是輕量化+速度 , 航行各國其中一站便是威尼斯,停泊於Arsanale(海軍造船廠港口)
God! Sooooooo Huge !
Semi-open Pilot Cabin
Liftable keel - huge as well !
Navigation Room
France Crew is maintaing gears for making sure the boat in good condition
Related link / 延伸閱讀
Via - Groupama III Profile
Via- clik for more photos
Ponyo on the Cliff by the sea - Backstage / 懸崖上的金魚公主(波妞) 幕後紀實

全片分(上篇1~7) (下篇1~6) 請連結至 YouTube
-Comment /心得-
宮崎駿/Hayao Miyazaki - 亞洲首屈一指的動畫大師, 對於把一生頃注於動漫世界, 遭受喪母之痛與 生活困苦的打擊之下依然努力堅持下去的精神, 深感欽佩, 他的成功是一筆一筆畫出來的,此紀錄片透露因為年事已高這可能是他最後一部長篇動畫, 不過相信只要他活著一天,肯定是不會放下畫筆的!
Related link / 延伸閱讀
Via - Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki's films (English version)
Via - Studio Ghibli
Via - 日本海上自衛隊(Japan Air Self-Defense Force Chūbu band)演奏主題曲
Earthquake , Heavy Sea - Who is more terrify?!
地震對於台灣已經司空見慣, 不過海上的風浪也不是好惹的, 短片中巨型郵輪像浮萍一樣載浮載沉,人類積極的拓張領域同時,還是要尊敬大自然的力量
Exterior /外部
Interior /船內部
地震對於台灣已經司空見慣, 不過海上的風浪也不是好惹的, 短片中巨型郵輪像浮萍一樣載浮載沉,人類積極的拓張領域同時,還是要尊敬大自然的力量
Exterior /外部
Interior /船內部
Porsche Design Fearless 28 Yacht
Porsche Design has teamed up with high-end builder Fearless to create a new line of super sexy yachts. The first to be released from the new project is the Porsche Design Fearless 28 yacht. Hella expensive, yes, but the dead-sexy 28-footer is ready to haul some ass with a 525hp Viper powerplant and a top speed of more than 80 mph. Sure, it's basically a dream boat for most of us, but it's not a bad dream to have.
Related link / 延伸閱讀
Via-Porsche Design Studio website
Via-Luxurylaunch.com (More photos)
Porsche Design has teamed up with high-end builder Fearless to create a new line of super sexy yachts. The first to be released from the new project is the Porsche Design Fearless 28 yacht. Hella expensive, yes, but the dead-sexy 28-footer is ready to haul some ass with a 525hp Viper powerplant and a top speed of more than 80 mph. Sure, it's basically a dream boat for most of us, but it's not a bad dream to have.
Related link / 延伸閱讀
Via-Porsche Design Studio website
Via-Luxurylaunch.com (More photos)
Around the World in a Solar Boat / 太陽能船環遊世界

Construction is well underway on the 98-foot-long vessel, which will feature 5,059 square feet of photovoltaic cells. The project is being funded by Rivendell Holding AG, a Swiss firm that invests in renewable energy, simply to prove it can be done and the shipping industry can reduce its dependence on fossil fuel.
Chinease Version-
有一群聚集在德國基爾的工程師、科學家及船員,目前正埋首於建造一艘長 98 英呎,寬 50 英呎,只靠取之不盡用之不竭的太陽能來發電航行的太陽能發電船。這艘造價高達 1,300 萬美金的太陽能發電船,甲板上裝有總面積為 5059 平方英呎的光電板,用來提供整艘船隻所需的電力。最高航行速度為 10 節,環遊世界一周預估需要花費 120 天的時間。
Related Link / 延伸閱讀
Via -Engadget(中文版)
Via -WIRED website (English version)
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